Be Curious

Curiosity is such an important trait, personally and in business. Without a sense of wonder, we can't see what is possible, what could be different, what innovations or creative solutions might solve a problem. Curiosity is critical.

I'm a naturally curious person so it always astounds me how anti-curiosity people and workplaces can be at times.

From the people who shut down a young child's continued use of "why?", stifling their inquisitive nature and reinforcing the view that questions aren't welcome. Or our school system that rewards knowing the answer over exploration and experimentation.

To workplaces where power, politics and fear based cultures often translate into people needing to display certainty, knowledge and a deference to authority. We want innovation yet shut down the necessary ingredients: curiosity and wonder.

I'm curious as to your views on curiosity. What new paths has curiosity led you down?


Begin Small


Always Learning