Band-Aid Solutions

Band-aid solutions abound.

There’s no doubt it is often convenient, tempting and understandable to apply band-aid solutions to our problems. Especially when we do so with our eyes wide open.

Whereas an over-reliance on band-aid solutions can easily become an enemy of the change we seek.

Remaining mindful of where, and when, we find ourselves reaching for the band-aid is a key part of getting to the root cause of problems and embedding change.

Convenience, comfort, short-termism and the like are a feature of 21st century work and life. Band-aid solutions abound in the small and big things we face everyday, whether it be the purchase of extra storage for a bulging email system, or postponing that difficult conversation with your boss or team member. It might even be a literal band-aid solution required for the low branch that scratches you every single day on your way to the car (I won’t name the friend who shared this funny story 😉)

I’m curious to explore what might change when we rip off that band-aid and seek a real solution. Care to join me in finding out and making change happen?


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