Are You Spuddled?

Word of the day is SPUDDLE.

Based on a number of conversations this week, it seems this 17th century word is making a comeback.

Meaning “to be extremely busy whilst achieving nothing”, it is certainly a common feeling (if not always the reality) of the modern workplace.

When I run listening sessions I’m always observing the language in use.

“There’s not enough time in the day …”

“We can never get to XYZ projects …”

“I’m chasing my tail …”

“I am feeling a bit scattered …”

All are signs there may be a bit of spuddling going on.

And, they represent the opportunities for change.

Are our PEOPLE and teams clear on roles and objectives? Have we slipped into a culture of valuing the urgent over the important?

How are our PROJECTS organised? Do we have too many, or too few, areas to focus on?

Which of our PROCESSES need refining? Are we inadvertently creating busywork?

What are my PERSONAL work values? How can I improve my attitude and approach to the way I work?

It’s a normal part of work to have times when we are busier than usual, to spin our wheels and not be overly effective. When those times become the norm, it might just be time for some un-spuddling, don’t you agree?


Big Changes


Time Bonus