The Hot Seat

No-one wants to be in the hot seat, do we? 

Or, do we?

❓ What if the hot seat wasn’t a place to avoid?

❓ What if the hot seat was somewhere safe and welcoming?

❓ What if we willingly volunteered to be in the hot seat for the sake of learning, growth and change?

The hot seat concept is something I’ve used in many mastermind and accountability groups. Time in the hot seat is most valuable when:
👉 You are with people who genuinely care about you and your goals,

👉 who hold space for you to enquire, ponder, and posit, and

👉 who ask generous questions to help you see what is possible, and 

👉 guide you with some of their hard-earned wisdom.

Have you got a positive hot seat experience to share?


No Waste


Silence Matters